Everything About Sponsored (Promoted) Post

Sponsored posts

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You have undoubtedly come across the term “Promotional Post” or “Sponsored Post” repeatedly in the world of content. But do you know the meaning of this word? Many questions have probably come to your mind about the concept of Sponsored Posts and its application. You may have asked yourself: 

  • where the word “promotional post” comes from?
  • What do we need to have an excellent “promotional post”?
  • Can any writer write a sponsored post?
  • Why do we have to write a promotional post at all?
  • Is this considered a marketing trick?
  • Or is it just a kind of advertising with no difference from other types of advertising?
  • What is the difference between a sponsored ad post and an advertising and news promotional post?

We intend to provide you with some helpful information about the sponsored post in this article and mention some interesting tips about its importance in improving its ranking. You may wonder that “what is a sponsored post? As its name implies, a sponsored post is a form of advertisement prepared and used in the form of a report.

What is a promotional post, and since when has it become popular?

By default, the audience’s attitude toward the ads is negative. Usually, at the beginning of the day, everyone takes a stand against the advertisement, thinking that a scammer wants to sell them a low-quality commodity at a high price.

Many people even believed that high-quality and excellent goods or services did not require advertising in the past. It was a common belief that the quality spontaneously leads to the customer’s satisfaction and enhances sales. Indeed, customer satisfaction always attracts more customers; however, we cannot rely on word-of-mouth advertisement in today’s competitive world.

Thus, different brands seek more effective advertising methods to increase their sales. One of these methods is promotional posting.The person who writes the text of a sponsored (promoted) post should describe its judgment and evaluation completely impartially to the audience.

History behind Sponsored Posting

Before you start, you need to know that it is not long since promotional posting is introduced worldwide. It was first in 1945, after the end of World War II, that the making of sponsored posts was raised on television networks.

The sponsored post is derived from the word “Report.” This type of advertising was originally intended to be a completely neutral report. For example, when a pretty impartial arbitrator talks about several different goods and examines them one by one for you in great detail, you get the feeling that he is working in your favor and wants to introduce you to the good and the bad.

Hence, the audience sees the author of the scenario as a supporter and friend, and thereby, there is a better chance of gaining their trust.
Imagine for a second that this neutral performer, for various reasons, sides slightly with a product or service. By doing so, the audience is entirely led in a direction that the performer wants.

Therefore, the importance of writing a promotional post in increasing the sales rate led this issue to be considered as a new branch of generating content. The subtle and remarkable point in the promotional posting is that the audience is attracted quite involuntarily and unconsciously to what you want. Thus, you need to fully observe the psychological aspects and knowledge of the audience to provide a successful promotional post.

Fair Advertising

Therefore, the sponsored post is a new method of fair advertising, which introduces the business and services of the site. By studying the carefully prepared sponsored post, users are attracted and trust the introduced company more.

The principled writing of the text is one thing to keep in mind when writing a sponsored post. If the written text adheres to the basic principles and follows all the writing tips of a sponsored post, it will be more effective.


What are the types of sponsored posts?

There are many categories of promotional posts. Some people categorize them based on the publishing method, and some believe that promotional posts should be classified according to the type of audience and the advertising to be done. Here, we will provide you with a combined category to get you better acquainted with this type of modern content.

Different types of content

Multimedia promotional posts/Written promotional posts

Promotional posts can be published in different formats. Some people think that promotional posts or sponsored posts should only be published in written form in various magazines. This is quite a wrong belief.

Currently, even the world’s biggest brands use popular media like global televisions to broadcast their news promotional posts coverage. For example, top-rated programs that compare different car brands or programs that use a particular product for cooking are examples of advertising promotional posts.
Sometimes you may be watching a TV program with great enthusiasm that compares several cell phones and examines the advantages and disadvantages of each for you.

In such a case, you think this is an entirely neutral program and merely evaluates the advantages and disadvantages of different products without any bias. However, being a little sharp, you will realize that it overlooks the disadvantages of a particular product quickly and finds them insignificant, while at the same time exaggerates a lot in describing the weaknesses of other products.

Social Network promotional content

The multimedia promotional posts are usually known as the most successful promotional posts, which are broadcasted on various channels such as social networks, podcasts, or global televisions.
You just need to be more discriminating with the platform where you publish your promotional posts since the place of publication must be utterly reliable from the audience’s eyes. Otherwise, the audience will quickly understand the advertising content of the promotional post and thinks you are deceiving him.

What is a promotional news post?

News promotional posts are usually published on news websites or channels. This type of promotional post is generally prepared in the form of introducing services or products. The invisibility of this type of promotional post has a lower priority than other promotional posts. For example, imagine that your brand has produced a new product. You can make a full-fledged promotional post in this regard.

First of all, you can point to a need that the product meets for your customer. In the next step, you can talk about your new product’s capabilities and, finally, introduce your product. In such a promotional post, the audience rarely feels that they will be subconsciously attracted to a particular product. You do not need to hide your ads either, and the audience is supposed to notice the ads at the end of the work and be attracted to your brand with complete heartfelt satisfaction.

Sponsored (promoted) posts

Sponsored posts

A sponsored (promoted) post (promotional post) is most similar to an impartial review. For instance, you are evaluating the harms of untreated water, and finally, you mention the purchase of a water purifier very indirectly. In general, you should initially raise a big problem. In the next stage, you will come up with different solutions to the problem and finally declare that you can solve this problem.

Providing such content is a form of promotional posting. The other type, which is very professional and intangible, is assessing and reviewing your product or services by a third party. In this type of promotional posting, the audience gets interested in your product or service. For, he believes that an utterly reliable person is examining the pros and cons of your product or service.
At the same time, the third party can, with a bit of bias, leads the audience to buy your product or service, and the newly-made customer will buy the product with his consent.

What are the benefits of a promotional post or sponsored post for a business?

Writing promotional posts is regarded as an essential principle in marketing. A promotional post can be considered a combination of the art of content generation and marketing science.
However, writing a thoroughly professional promotional post is far more complex than marketing. For, in marketing, you can analyze a bit of the character of your audience through eye contact, tone of voice, or body language or establish a better relationship with them.

But in writing promotional posts, you need to guess the audience’s character based on the analyses made and find a suitable scenario accordingly.
Writing promotional posts helps you persuade your audience more easily to buy.

In most cases, we all feel that everything is exaggerated when we see an ad and the product is not as good as the advertisement shows. This is perfectly normal, and we may have thought about it ourselves many times. As mentioned, people usually do not have much trust in direct advertising. They often prefer to use products or services they have used before or have been recommended to them by trusted people.
In the past, many people trusted the suggestions of celebrities and famous figures. But today, according to statistics, only 5% of the influencers of the virtual world are celebrities.

This means that you can find different trusted people or organizations to introduce yourself and your products according to the type of goods or services you offer and your audience. If you choose intelligently, you can be the same brand that a mother recommends to her child!

Recommended article: Click to know about the campaign for publishing free sponsored posts on the Cyberg’s Recommended Sites.

When is an article considered a sponsored promotional post?

To answer this question about the commercial nature of a text or article, one should say that in writing the sponsored post, just like the articles of news sites, the aspects of journalism such as objectivity and depth of research have been observed.
Besides, there is always the issue of added value. If the leading tone of the article is the message “Buy me!” or is plainly too advertising with no informational content.
it will not generally be suitable for news sites, and readers will not catch the necessary confidence and required authenticity by reading them as well. Therefore, the specific writing rules and the specific rules of each media have to be followed for publishing promotional posts.

How does a sponsored post affect the SEO?

Writing promotional posts is regarded as an essential principle in marketing. A promotional post can be indeed considered a combination of the art of content generation and the science of marketing.

However, writing an entirely professional promotional post is far more complicated than marketing. For, in marketing, you can analyze a bit of the character of your audience through eye contact, tone of voice, or body language or establish a better relationship with them.

But in writing promotional posts, you need to guess the character of the audience based on the analyses made and find a suitable scenario accordingly.
Writing promotional posts helps you persuade your audience more easily to buy. In most cases, we all feel that everything is exaggerated when we see an ad and the product is not as good as the advertisement shows.

This is perfectly normal, and we may have thought about it ourselves many times. As mentioned, people usually do not have much trust in direct advertising. They often prefer to use products or services that they have used before or have been recommended to them by trusted people.
In the past, many people trusted the suggestions of celebrities and famous figures. But today, according to statistics, only 5% of the influencers of the virtual world are celebrities.

This means that you can find different trusted people or organizations to introduce yourself and your products according to the type of goods or services you offer and your audience. If you choose intelligently, by generating sponsored promotional posts, you can be the same brand that a mother recommends to her child!

Sponsored Posts and link building

The number and quality of links made to the site are one of the factors based on which search engines categorize the ranking of a site. The sponsored post is known as one of the most effective and inexpensive link-building methods, which is thought to be highly efficient.

In the context of “What is a sponsored post?”, as a business manager, you should pay attention to the SEO ranking if you want to continue working alongside your competitors.
The sponsored ad post is highly effective as a proper link-building method to improve the site ranking. In publishing sponsored posts, business managers need to keep in mind that their selected website for publishing should have high quality and credibility.

The use of advertising packages with a good track record and high quality can be suitable for publishing sponsored posts. Therefore, one can say that:

  • Publishing sponsored posts in reputable news agencies to allow you to get highly credible backlinks.
  • When your sponsored ad post is published on a reputable website with a high ranking, this creditability will also affect the ranking of your website.
  • The durability of your promotional post on a website will improve your ranking.
  • You will get “Follows” with multi-word hyperlinks.

We recommend you to use the services of  these websites if you want to register your sponsored ad post in reputable sites and save on your expenses.

The effect of sponsored ad post on sales

Promotional posting will have a direct positive impact on the sales of your product or services. Obviously, when you side with the audience and advertise your brand from the channels they trust, it will definitely affect the rate of your sales.
In fact, while you do promotional posting, you provide the chance for your audience to hear your ad from the mouth of someone they trust.

Eventually, they will feel quite good when making their purchase under the influence of this promotional post and do not feel that they have made improper purchases under the influence of a glamorous advertisement.

On the contrary, they think they have made a good purchase with the help of a trusted friend and companion and are somehow proud of their intelligence and ingenuity.
Therefore, promotional posts should be professional, calculated, and having high quality to significantly influence the sales of your product or services.

How can you choose the best site to publish insert a sponsored post?

We hope you have read the article carefully “What is the sponsored post” so far. To insert a sponsored post, you should better choose a site that is relevant to your field of work. In fact, the thematic relevance of the site receiving the sponsored post ads should be such to relate to your area of work. This will double the effectiveness of your ads.
You need to review the resume of the site and compare prices to choose the best site. Promo Academy is known as the most cost-effective platform for publishing sponsored posts.

which can publish your sponsored posts in more than 650 reputable media at a reasonable price. As a business manager, if you are concerned about choosing the right site to place your ads, we suggest you get help from the Cyberg website.

A Platform for publishing Sponsored Posts

Cyberg will help you with finding websites for buying sponsored promotional posts. If you have got familiar with the topic of “What is a sponsored post,” you are definitely aware of the importance of this type of advertising and will use it for your site.

As a platform for publishing advertisements, These websites can publish your ads at a reasonable cost on reputable sites based on the subject of your site.
The accurate reporting system of this site can assure you of the accurate and flawless publishing of your advertisements. As a business manager, you can view instant reports in your panel.

In the event of any problems, you can benefit from the free consulting services of the Cyberg and utilize the experiences of the Cyberg specialized team.

How is the sponsored post fee calculated?

The price of a promotional post depends on several factors. Currently, many people generate promotion posts. Some of them work with a very professional team. They first analyze their audience.

Then, by recognizing the needs of the audience as well as identifying the main competitors of your brand product or services, they will provide suitable content for the sponsored posts.
A professional team can assure you that everything will be accomplished in a completely scientific and specialized way. Usually, the cost of this type of promotional post will be high. But you should realize that generating a professional and effective sponsored post is not actually a cost. Rather, it is an investment, which will multiply your capital in a short time.
In the second place, the publishing place of the promotional post affects its cost. For example, if you want to broadcast this promotional post on international television networks, you definitely have to pay a lot of money for it.
However, there are some websites that will publish your promotional post on their website by charging you with a very small fee or for free. It is you who decides how much and where to spend for publishing your sponsored post based on the research you have done earlier.
You can use read reviews about websites that offer these services to publish your sponsored posts.

How to write a sponsored post?

To write a promotional post, in addition to adhering to the writing and editing rules, you should write as such to encourage the audience to buy the goods or services of your brand. To this end, you can use the following guide to write promotional posts.


  • Know your audience thoroughly

    In general, you need to first analyze the character (personality) or the same persona of your audience in the process of generating content. This issue becomes more prominent when it comes to writing promotional posts.
    Content generation pursues different purposes. However, the goal of generating promotional posts is to attract customers and increase sales and profitability.
    Thus, promotional posts seem to be more important. For succeeding in influencing your audience best, you need to fully understand his personality and find out what can influence them.
    Therefore, be sure to research your audience persona well before making a sponsored ad post, sponsored promotional post, or promotional news post.
    Knowing and understanding the audience is the first step to writing a successful promotional post.

  • Try to be honest. Do not forget that writing a promotional post is not lying.

    Many people think that the art of writing sponsored posts is to create believable myths about a product or service to convince the customer to buy. This idea is completely wrong.
    Any false or exaggerated ads will cause your publishing platform and media to lose their credibility. Put yourself in the audience’s shoes. Imagine that once you follow the word of a specialized review and get an opposite and unpleasant result. How many times will you repeat this to realize that it is a lie?
    After a short time, you will lose your trust, and you don’t even visit that publishing source anymore. Given that any source that publishes your promotional post is sensitive to its audience’s trust, it would be cautious about the reality of the sponsored post content.
    Therefore, to keep the trust of your audience, you should never lie in writing a promotional post in any way.
    There is no need to lie. First of all, you have to make sure of your product’s quality; no matter how successful you can be in advertising, you cannot have loyal customers for poor-quality products or services.
    You may exaggerate a little about your product or service quality or talk more about their advantages. For example, in a neutral comparison, you can slightly overlook the disadvantages of the advertising brand and introduce its advantages bigger than they are.
    By doing so, you have generally assessed the advantages and disadvantages of the desired product meanwhile leading the customer in the direction you want.

  • Walk alongside the audience

    You must first side with the audience to make your promotional post effective. Many people who want to promote a product or service make the mistake of putting themselves in front of the audience.
    By doing so, the audience thinks that you will sell them a bad product with flippancy. But when you walk shoulder to shoulder with him alongside and tell him about the problems along the way, the customer will see you as a helper. A guru who will significantly help him in life while leaving it to him to buy or not to buy. You need to keep this in mind in all parts of writing the promotional post and flesh it out.

  • Target the audience needs

    Once you have analyzed the personality of your audience, it is time to identify their needs. At this point, you have initially to find the needs of the audience thoroughly and target them quite intangibly in your promotional post.
    For example, when making a promotional post for an automotive brand, you know that your audience suffers from being stuck in heavy traffic. Thus, you may say the advertising brand car is designed based on ergonomic principles when comparing three different car brands.
    Therefore, the message is conveyed to the audience that they will get less tired on long and busy routes and lower harm to the joints and spine. By doing this, the audience will be attracted to the brand you want without realizing it, and at the same time, he was not told any lies.
    This means you have to find the audience’s need and see which feature of the product or service do you want to write a promotional post for it can meet this need. So target the same need and stimulate the audience’s emotions.